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Civil and Criminal Cases, Methodical Guidelines | AD Agency Ltd.


Civil and Criminal Cases, Methodical Guidelines


Methodical Guidelines for the Provision of a Private Investigation Service on Collection and Analysis of Information on Civil and Criminal Cases, Presence (Absence) of Criminal Records and (or) the Fact of Criminal Prosecution or Being on the Wanted List

Subject Matter of the Investigation

1. Method for providing the service of private investigation on collection and analysis of information on civil and criminal cases on a contractual basis with participants of the process defines the time frames and sequence of actions in private investigation related to collection of information on criminal and civil cases and sets the action plan for a detective to render the service.

2. The customers are Russian and foreign legal entities and individuals, law unions. 3. Information on criminal and civil cases is provided on the basis of a detective services agreement with the written consent of the participants in the process which must contain the Customer’s name and the date of consent issuance.

Standard of Service Rendering

3. The customers are Russian and foreign legal entities and individuals, law unions. 3. Information on criminal and civil cases is provided on the basis of a detective services agreement with the written consent of the participants in the process which must contain the Customer’s name and the date of consent issuance.

Ethical requirements

4. Investigative procedures should enable the detective to be confident that he is observing the relevant ethical requirements, including adherence to the principles of independence and legality.

Service Description

5. The service on investigation with regard to collection and analysis of information on criminal and civil cases with the written consent of participants in the process.

Service Result Description

6. The result of the service is a detective’s written report containing information and (or) facts of participation of a citizen or a legal entity in civil or criminal proceedings. Consent of a citizen or a legal entity to disclose information contained in a civil or criminal case may be obtained by the Customer in the form of an electronic document signed by a digital signature in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation or in hard copy in written form with a handwritten signature of the party to civil or criminal proceedings upon producing by the citizen or the legal entity’s representative of passport or another identity document to the Customer. Consent of the citizen or legal entity’s representative must contain the Customer’s name and the date of issuance of the above mentioned consent.